Thursday, April 14, 2011


  1. Gleb, I really like your scenario storyboard! It looks very professional and has a good amount of detail. The models you made also look very nice. I think maybe what could help your project look even better though is if you included process sketches and mock-ups that show how much your project evolved along the way, as well as all the hard work you did over the whole 7 weeks. Great final outcome, though!

  2. Very professional looking concept board Gleb! I really like the way you used monochrome as the background and orange as your product, this is clearer than the normal poster therefore has made your work to stand out. I was very impressed with you appearance model you did! I think you should take a picture, so that you can give student who didn’t get the chance to see you model in class to see it online.

  3. Gleb this is a great concept, you worked really hard and really it paid off. I know your model was really troublesome to do, but I like how you stuck to it and took on the challenge. Very simple, makes a lot of sense and very good design process throughout. One of my favourites good work.

  4. Gleb, saw you working on this during the 7 weeks and your final concept is definitely very refined and well thought out. Your appearance model turned out very well and was very effective in communicating your ideas, and your posters are excellent. The only thing missing is possibly some concept sketches thrown in to show the progress you made in terms of refining your product. Otherwise well done!

  5. As you were in my group for the Bangladesh region, I think this product is very well thought out and refined. The model was impeccable, nice presentation boards and renders, as well as a great social idea. Nice work Gleb!

  6. I really like this concept actually, You have it all figured out every step; it's great. Also, nice boards and model - good work even if it was your first time(?). It's nice and simple- a floating bag that holds rice then your valuables, a no brainer.
