Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Experience Enrichment: Peer comments.

http://jasonvergara.blogspot.com/- Jason Vergara
http://alissahsanders.blogspot.com/- Alissa Sanders
http://danielkotzen.blogspot.com/- Daniel Kotzen
http://mmlockley.blogspot.com/- Mitch Lockley
http://lam-angela.blogspot.com/- Lam-Angela

Upcycling Peer Coments

http://hyo-jucho.blogspot.com/- Hyu-Ju-Cho
http://stanleywong1.blogspot.com/- Stanley Wong
http://z3255629christopherhui.blogspot.com/ - Christopher Hui
http://mmlockley.blogspot.com/- Mitch Lockley
http://juliaryxiao.blogspot.com/- Julia


Designing dream machines discusses the industrial design role in more complexity and understanding as they perform in their practice. With basic design steps of the development process a product can be achieved which satisfies the consumer and the target market with its successful innovation.

Firstly there needs to be a clear understanding between you and the fellow consumer this can be achieved through constant communication with the consumer so both the parties are on the same page. A brainstorm of ideas is the initial step in design and vital in the design process of a product. With the brainstorm there are ways of communicating the design in a clearer sense such as drawing and sketching the concept ideas of the product. The designer should understand the product well along with its target requirements so the proposed ideas don’t become rejected which a designer must take in well and look at as an opportunity of refinement and redevelopment as an understanding has been reached.

This video was very interesting and informative as we get to take an inside look of how industrial designers operate first hand. Very helpful in the identification of the many processes which will generate a lot of help in my future assignment and career.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ross Lonegrove - Organic Design

Ross Lonegrove is after intelligent form which he believes can be captured from nature alone. These holistic forms can have an effect on people’s emotions, leading them on to inspiring nature as a basis for design or other outlooks. He nicknames himself as Captain Organic for that very purpose.

Many of the designs he had presented came from his idea of a natural form or how the form of natural objects can make design more pleasant to look at and admire. In his beginning design presentation he had demonstrated his idea of “skin of water” by presenting us with a water bottle. The concept of the water bottle he had proposed looks very natural in its form when the water is inside the vessel. Not only does it look natural it also performs natural things such as the fitting of any hand and usability in relation to the ergonomics of the primary design. Ideas such as this should be well experimented in many designs today since we will become more appealed to it through it overwhelming emotion.

The car idea that he had projected wasn’t for my liking but on the basis of natural design it fall in well into that category. Not only is it a car that is run by battery (which already limits the hazard impacts on the environment from our current cars) but it also turns into a street light form many other sustainable purposes. The cars shape and form is very unordinary and I guess we aren’t ready for that change but in the future time will tell as more and more sustainable solutions will be need due to the current affects of the world right now.

As an industrial designer this video has been very informative and has opened up my eyes to newer more effective ways of thinking about design and demonstrating it. With a more natural form more can be achieved and learned from not only just an object but also from the natural environment.

The story of stuff- Annie Leonard

At this day and age the current “linear system” doesn’t look very promising for the ease of a sustainable environment. Not many of us are aware of what this linear design beholds within its process; in reality it is actually putting our societies, culture and the environment into great danger. With a finite amount of resources we have available to us the process is bumping up against its limits.

The linear system includes the extraction, production, and disposal stage all these stages produce harm into our planet with every step. In her research she had pointed that 80% of the world’s natural recourses are wasted and at the pace we are driven now by industries it isn’t long since all of it will be put to waste.

Because of our consumer driven ways happiness has depleted from the 1950’s with the amount of advertisements we see now on TV, they give us an urge and compulsion to go out and buy more. Little do we know that our current stuff will become obsolete and eventually turned into trash, ready for disposal. After we have cleared those things from our life the cycle of ruining the earth will begin again adding more toxins into the atmosphere leaving us less hope for a cleaner future.

As an industrial design this video is critical to our understanding of sustainable design. Things should be designed more on the basis of lasting longer and for a further trend than an obsolete design that is perceived to break and may need an immediate replacement. Design should avoid the current linear system and work on a newer more sustainable effort for the production of new things.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Magazine notebook sleeve.

The magazine being in the same proportion size of a 15 inch notebook triggered off an idea of a seemingly purposeful design for a laptop sleeve. Street magazines are placed there for the public to take free, the more magazines taken the more waste it will create, the more useless they are. They are usually seen lying around on sidewalks, piled up in the corner of your room or jammed between seats on trains. The magazines are of no value meaning if anything these sleeves will be very profitable with a greater use and value. Street magazines especially BRAG have very pleasing graphics and striking colours which work well on the aesthetic grounds of this laptop sleeve. Having a magazine laptop sleeve has a concept that undermines other people’s perception and thought to other convention laptop carry cases or sleeves we see today. Almost deceiving in its context as it is recognized as a magazine, it is made on the basis of it being a product with more purposeful use and one’s enrichment.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Peer comments:

Stephen Mesa- http://stephengmesa.blogspot.com/
Gabriel Ly- http://gabriellyides.blogspot.com/
Julian Chow- http://julianides.blogspot.com/
Fil Pulido- http://filpulido.blogspot.com/
Emily White- http://ides1031ewhite.blogspot.com/
The Fold Out Sandwich Box.

The Fold out sandwich box would be ideal for packing sandwiches and defeats the annoyance of having an empty lunchbox lying around in your bag.Your bag can be used for so much more, more space will be available. The sandwich box comes flat with several simple steps that take practically seconds transforms it into a locking sturdy sandwich box. Once finished with it it could easily be folded back into its original state with its locking strap.The colour of the sandwich box bieng red is to stimulate appetite during those long awaited lunch breaks. It would be pleasing to the consumer since its solves that issue of empty sandwich boxes and it fits nicely into an envelope so it would make a great gift for almost anyone.