Monday, October 26, 2009

The story of stuff- Annie Leonard

At this day and age the current “linear system” doesn’t look very promising for the ease of a sustainable environment. Not many of us are aware of what this linear design beholds within its process; in reality it is actually putting our societies, culture and the environment into great danger. With a finite amount of resources we have available to us the process is bumping up against its limits.

The linear system includes the extraction, production, and disposal stage all these stages produce harm into our planet with every step. In her research she had pointed that 80% of the world’s natural recourses are wasted and at the pace we are driven now by industries it isn’t long since all of it will be put to waste.

Because of our consumer driven ways happiness has depleted from the 1950’s with the amount of advertisements we see now on TV, they give us an urge and compulsion to go out and buy more. Little do we know that our current stuff will become obsolete and eventually turned into trash, ready for disposal. After we have cleared those things from our life the cycle of ruining the earth will begin again adding more toxins into the atmosphere leaving us less hope for a cleaner future.

As an industrial design this video is critical to our understanding of sustainable design. Things should be designed more on the basis of lasting longer and for a further trend than an obsolete design that is perceived to break and may need an immediate replacement. Design should avoid the current linear system and work on a newer more sustainable effort for the production of new things.

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