Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Magazine notebook sleeve.

The magazine being in the same proportion size of a 15 inch notebook triggered off an idea of a seemingly purposeful design for a laptop sleeve. Street magazines are placed there for the public to take free, the more magazines taken the more waste it will create, the more useless they are. They are usually seen lying around on sidewalks, piled up in the corner of your room or jammed between seats on trains. The magazines are of no value meaning if anything these sleeves will be very profitable with a greater use and value. Street magazines especially BRAG have very pleasing graphics and striking colours which work well on the aesthetic grounds of this laptop sleeve. Having a magazine laptop sleeve has a concept that undermines other people’s perception and thought to other convention laptop carry cases or sleeves we see today. Almost deceiving in its context as it is recognized as a magazine, it is made on the basis of it being a product with more purposeful use and one’s enrichment.


  1. I love how you have used plastic bags as stuffing, instead of something that has a lesser impact on the environment like foam. I agree with the large waste of brag magazines ive had to stop myself from bringing them home as i used to have piles of old brags. The only thing i have a worry about is whether it is durable and cushioned enough to support a laptop. what if i accidentally spill something on it? or drop it on a table hard? will your laptop case protect my laptop. Other than that i love the aesthetics and idea of it! well done!

  2. I have always walked passed these magazines and thought how wasteful they are. There always seem to be large piles of them that never seem to diminish.
    By using magazines you are able to appeal to the readers of this magazine and other various forms of pop culture.
    What happened when you added the fused bags to the outside? I am worried that exterior pages may get damaged. Did it block out the images?
    This product has been well constructed and I am impressed by the your resourcefulness of recycled materials.

  3. i love the material that you use on this project it crated an beautiful and useful produce. but my concerned is that can this bag really protect the notebook ? maybe add some material inside of the bag will be more protectable.

  4. I think this is a great use of material and the finished product is quite provocative. There is a sense of individuality with these laptop cases, which is a far cry from the conventional boring old designs.
    I was initially worried about the actual magazines tearing, but you appeared to have used multiple layers of magazine strengthening it quite significantly.
    I'm just wondering how long the product will last and what will wear first, the print or the magazines themselves
